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Healthy Air for Healthy Lungs

Claim your indoor air quality monitor

If your child is between 2 and 10 years old, has been prescribed at least 3 inhalers in the last 12 months and you live in an Air Quality Management Areas (AQMA), you can sign up to take part in our year-long Healthy Air for Healthy Lungs project.

You will be given an indoor air quality (IAQ) monitor for the length of the project, which will help check how healthy the air inside your home is. The monitor is a simple plug-in device that is managed through an app on your phone.

What do I get if I sign up to the project?

  • An initial home air quality assessment
  • Installation of a indoor air quality (IAQ) monitor which can measure temperature, damp, carbon dioxide, VOC (chemicals that can be found in things like paint)
  • Advice and support on how to improve your air quality
  • Signposting to other services that can help
  • Regular check-ins

For more information, please email chcp.chcpiaq@nhs.net  or call 01744 371111 


Healthy Air for Healthy Lungs