A healthy balanced diet is important for maintaining good physical and mental health.
We deliver a variety of practical activities, information and guidance around food and nutrition for all ages, Including information on the Eatwell Guide, healthy weight, active play, good oral health in schools and community settings.
Eating healthily can help you to feel your best and can help to prevent ill health and diseases. Simple changes can make big differences so why not make a change today?
Need more support and advice?
We deliver a variety of practical activities, information and guidance around food and nutrition for all ages.
If you would like support with your eating habits or find out about are various activities then contact the Wellbeing team by calling 01744 371111 or if you prefer, we can contact you, simply complete this form
How do I access the service?
Get in touch with us today for support, advice and to book a place on any of our activities
Telephone 01744 371111 or Email chcp.sthelens@nhs.net