St Helens Wellbeing supporting deaf people
It was identified that the St Helens Wellbeing Service information could do more to improve access to information for deaf people, who are using British sign language (BSL) in the local area. It is estimated that there are 151,000 people in the UK who use British Sign Language and, of these, 87,000 are Deaf.
People with hearing loss often feeling invisible and isolated within the community, breaking down communication barriers and making our services accessible to all is important to us.
St Helens Wellbeing Team have teamed up with the St Helens Deafness Resource Centre to discuss the most effective way to produce the service information and have worked together to create an accessible information video.
Now the St Helens Wellbeing Service has Co-produced with the deaf community a video to tell people about wellbeing services, explained in BSL. Our video is perfectly timed with the 2022 theme for Deaf Awareness Week 'Inclusion Deafness'. Working together to produce the service information in BSL means that now, deaf BSL users living in the local St Helens area have equal access to service, St Helens wellbeing supporting deaf people with accessible appointments with interpreter.